To say we've been in overdrive would be an absolute understatement!
there has been a LOT of
shopping/painting/shopping/fixing/shopping.....there's still some to do
but we feel pretty excited about what we've done so far....
Please excuse the mess and try to focus on the above the couch area...
it just needed something else - a little height maybe??
if only i could find a really cool BIG sunburst mirror
OH MY - could it be anymore perfect??? oh wait - it can it does this
49 inch beauty made of pallets (my favorite thing) by someone else
cost me the price of $100!!!!! YES i said $100 - i will pause a moment
for you to cuss me and admire me all at once!! it was just what we needed!!!
again ignore the mess and the pajamas....(girl loves pajamas)
we're are focusing on the sconces with plants on them.
are those so 2000?? I don't feel like i ever see anyone with them
they were making me yaaaawwwnnn....
Ta-da! yes, we fancy pictures of our kiddos all around the house...
we think they cute (notice mike put charlotte ,our pup,in the middle)
hahaha - i just noticed i'm busted watching big brother!!
the vanity we were desperate to change
(remember it's a rental so i didn't want to put a lot of money into replacing)
soooo we just put something pretty over the mark and kept going.
I made the shade out of the same fabric as the shower curtain -
but please don't look too closely - haaaa
Annie's bedroom....
i was trying to "repurpose" her shower curtain
as a chic monogrammed matlesse ~ epic fail
yeah! i've had the fabric for the bedskirt and shams for years - add hot pink chevron lamp
newly painted side table and shabby chic bedding - PRECIOUS!!
the other bathroom - new accessories
new pictures, candle holder, plate and turkey in the middle
can you believe this used to be paneling???
outside on the and i thought the owl was a "hoot"
(obligatory cheese laugh here )and mike thinks they're silly so this
is where it ended up after he found it
we saw this on piterest and thought it was pretty dang funny so here it sits on our back deck
wow - what a difference a few plants and pillows can make!
yes - we busted our humps but when i was sitting there watching everyone laughing, talking
soaking in all the excitement and shear joy of the moment, the day, the meaning...
the happiness
the friend....the journey to get there
and now the memories....
it was worth every second of hustle!